Middle eastern chocolate orange tart with spiced orange slices

Chocolate Orange Tart with spiced oranges Recipe

75 Minutes
Serves: 6
A dark chocolate orange tart, crispy shortcrust pastry flavoured with zest and allspice, packed with a chocolate orange ganache. Served with marinated slices of fresh oranges flavoured with cardamom, honey, and lime, and a dollop of creme fraiche.

Recipe Ingreds


  • 1 tsp allspice
  • 50 grams butter
  • 1 whole egg (yolk)
  • 0.5 whole orange
  • 100 grams plain flour
  • salt (to taste)
  • 20 ml water
  • 30 grams icing sugar


  • 100 grams butter
  • 250 grams dark chocolate
  • 150 grams white Chocolate
  • 2 whole egg
  • 4 whole egg (yolk)
  • 1 whole orange
  • 100 grams caster sugar
  • 10 grams icing sugar
  • 200 ml crème fraiche


  • 3 pod cardamom
  • 6 tbsp honey
  • 2 whole lime
  • 4 whole orange
  • 250 ml orange juice
  • 30 grams icing sugar
  • 150 ml water

Recipe with pictures Steps

Step 1

  • zest the orange
  • sieve together the flour and salt into a bowl
  • add the icing sugar
  • add the allspice and zest
  • cut the butter into cubes

Step 2

  • mix the flour and butter, blend until the contents forms a crumb, by hand or using a food processor
  • if using a food processor empty the contents of the food processor into a large bowl

Step 3

  • mix the water and the egg yolk in a bowl
  • add the egg mixture to the crumb
  • mix using a few swift movements
  • form a ball and flatten
  • place pastry in a bag
  • place in the fridge to rest for 10 minutes

Step 4

  • lightly dust a clean work surface with flour
  • roll out the pastry into a circle to fit the flan dish
  • fit pastry into flan dish
  • trim the pastry to fit the flan dish
  • prick the pastry cases
  • place in the fridge to rest for 10 minutes
  • five minutes before the pastry is fully rested
  • set the oven to 180C 350F or gas mark 4

Step 5

  • bake the pastry blind by covering the pastry with grease proof paper and baking beans
  • bake for 8 to 10 mins
  • remove from the oven
  • remove the beans and paper
  • return to the oven
  • bake for 8 to 10 mins
  • till golden brown
  • remove from the oven
  • set a side

Step 6

  • finely chop 1/3 of the chocolate using a food processor
  • spread over the flan base

Step 7

  • set the oven to 220C 425F or gas mark 7
  • squeeze the orange
  • place the remaining dark chocolate, white chocolate, butter and zest in an heat proof dish
  • place over a pan of simmering water
  • stir until the chocolate has melted
  • add the orange juice
  • set a side to cool

Step 8

  • place the eggs, egg yolks and caster sugar into a bowl and whisk until light and fluffy
  • fold the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture
  • pour the mixture into the pastry case
  • cook for 15 mins to 20 mins
  • remove from the oven
  • Cool then refrigerate for 1 hour

Step 9

  • juice the lime
  • remove the seeds from the cardamom
  • place the orange and lime juice in a pan
  • add the water, cardamom seeds and honey
  • boil and then simmer for 5 minutes

Step 10

  • strain the mixture with a sieve
  • return to the pan
  • add the icing sugar
  • cook until the sauce is syrupy
  • set a side to cool

Step 11

  • cut top and bottom off the oranges
  • cut of the peel
  • cut out the segments
  • place the oranges in the sauce

Step 12

  • place the tart on the plate
  • Dust with icing sugar
  • serve a slice of tart
  • serve with the orange slices
  • and some creme fraiche

Recipe Utensils

  • 1 baking beans
  • 2 chopping board
  • 1 flan dish
  • 2 food processor
  • 2 grater
  • 1 grease proof paper
  • 2 hand mixer
  • 2 large knife
  • 2 lemon squeezer
  • 2 medium bowl
  • 1 plastic bags
  • 1 rolling pin
  • 3 sieve
  • 1 small bowl
  • 2 small pan

More recipes you might like: Desserts


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How to make the chocolate orange tart 

To make the pastry Mix together the flour, salt, zest, icing sugar and spices, add the cubes of butter and mix to a fine crumb. Add the water and egg yolk and mix to form the pastry, let it rest for 15 minutes. Roll the pastry and fit into a flan dish, rest and then blind bake for 10 minutes. Break i/3 of the dark chocolate into tiny pieces and spread on the base of the cook tart case. To make the filling, melt the remaining chocolate, add the orange juice and set it aside to cool a little. Whisk the eggs, egg yolk, and sugar till light and fluffy. Fold in the chocolate mixture and place in the pastry case bake in the oven till just set about 15 to 20 minutes set aside to cool then refrigerate. To make the spiced orange slices,  Place the lime, cardamom, orange juice, water, and honey in a pan bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes, strain the mixture return to the pan add the sugar and cook till syrup-like.  slice the oranges removing all skins and add to the syrup 

When and how to serve our Middle Eastern chocolate tart

This rich ganache dessert is perfect for any family meal or dinner party, the chocolate orange flavours make it an ideal winter or Christmas dessert. It is also perfect for a themed middle eastern dinner party with the delicious spiced pastryThe dessert is served with a large dollop of creme fraiche to complete the dish.

What makes our Middle Eastern dessert the best

This recipe has so many reasons why it is the best, from the spiced pastry to the delicious combination of orange and chocolate-flavoured ganache. But what really sets it apart from other tarts is the addition of the orange slices in honey, lime and cardamom syrup which cuts through the rich chocolate perfectly making it the ideal dessert


  • Don't miss out on resting the pastry, it will ensure that it is crisp and crumbly
  • Make sure you cut the chocolate really small ideally use a food processor
  • ensure you have removed all the skin and pith from the oranges otherwise the syrup can get a bitter taste
  • make sure you whisk the eggs and sugar enough, whisk till they are very pale yellow

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